How I’m Doing a Manageable yet Meaningful Lent This Year

How is Lent next week already?! Wasn’t Christmas yesterday? Not that I finally took down the last of our Christmas decorations today or anything.

Before the children, my Lenten observance would consist solely of eliminating my Coca Cola vice. Except for me, it quickly turned into more of a Matthew 6:16 activity, where I was pridefully letting everyone know that I had given up Coke for Lent and it was really hard for me, you guys! Not good. Once I got into the swing of having children, I told myself I was way too exhausted and overwhelmed to do anything at all for Lent. Also not good. read more

Why Stay at Home Moms Shouldn’t be Permitted in Polite Society

In my exuberance to escape the house, I arrived at our meeting place a trifle early.  I proceeded to the restaurant bar to indulge in my first drink in three years, as I had been mostly pregnant for that span of time. I was fortunate to be in between the pregnancies of my second and third child during the event that I am describing. I perused the drink menu and found nothing recognizable. My alcohol choices were less than sophisticated during my college and law school days, and I got married and started getting pregnant shortly thereafter. I finally landed on something I was confident I could pronounce. What could be so hard about “Rose?” (I know, I know.) So laid the menu down and proudly asked the bartender for a “Rose.” The bartender furrowed his brow at me. “You mean, rosé?”, he inquired. My cheeks flushed in horror. “Um, yes,” I responded meekly. read more

Rhea’s Incredibly Important 8 Month Update

Yeah, that title is pretty click bait-y. Mea Culpa. I was thinking about something along the lines of: “Rhea turns 8 months, what happens next WILL BLOW YOUR MIND!”, but I usually spitefully avoid those types of titles because I feel like they are insulting my intelligence. Unless there is a baby or a cat in it. I’m not made of stone, you guys. What was this post supposed to be about again?


Oh, right. Rhea.

Milestones: She has finally got some sort of strange army crawl hybrid going on. She will pull up to a plank and kind of fall forward. It works for her, so she’s sticking to it. She started saying “mama!” Not sure if she is referring to me specifically, but she seems to say it when she is sleepy or wants to be nursed. She still prefers nursing to solid foods, but she can tear into some Cheerios or little manageable bits of whatever food we’re eating. The more children I have, the more I don’t want to even fool with the trouble or expense of those jars of baby food. She is pleasantly plump on breastmilk alone, so any food she consumes is a bonus. I’m not a complete Baby Led Weaning mama per se, I’m just lazy. She is sleeping 8 hours pretty regularly, but I would prefer 12. She and Ruth both prefer that she sleep in the rock n play. However, she did do a four hour nap in her crib in Ruth’s room the other day, so I am hopeful for an eventual transition there. She will get on her hands and knees and rock back and forth occasionally. read more


Today is Wrennie’s birthday. We celebrated it by telling anyone that would listen at Mass this morning.  Oh, and cake and ice cream, of course.


It has been quite the 2 year journey with the little bird. When Scott took that picture, she was having trouble breathing and because of it, the nurses wouldn’t let me nurse her. So I just held my brand new baby and we stared at each other in wonder. She is only an hour or so old here, and so alert.

It had been a rocky pregnancy, with an extreme excess of amniotic fluid distending my belly and increasing every day. Half of the time, that signals that there is something wrong with the baby, but the perinatalogist could find nothing wrong with her in the ultrasounds. read more

A Case for Bringing Those Disruptive Youngsters to Church

It was the Sunday after Christmas Day, and our four girls were experiencing the typical post-festivities burnout. We shuffled into our usual seats in the balcony for Mass at our parish. Everything seemed upsetting to our four year old on that day, particularly any frantic attempts by my husband or me to keep her quiet. Her wails got progressively louder and my husband felt compelled to remove her. The second they reached the stairwell, she was immediately happy again and thought that it would be a good time to play on the stairwell. When my 3 year old and 2 year old saw that their ticket to the fun stairwell party with daddy was merely by wailing, adding their wails to the chorus was to them the work of a moment. Scott and I were mortified. read more

More clicks that tempt me

It’s children’s fashion time here at the Trenches! Children’s stylist would be my dream job. Is that a thing? Well, if it is, I would be totally out of my depth, but delusions of grandeur, I’ve got ’em. To demonstrate my point, let’s do a flat lay that would be all over the place, but hey, these are separates that I have been drooling over.

Shoes: I am a FP moccs girl fo lyfe, but how adorable are These little booties? They are shaped like little teddy bears. I’m dying from the cuteness. read more

In which I find Rhea tied to the crib and other notable events from the Holidays

Yes, I am still alive. I took a Christmas vacation from blogging, I suppose? I didn’t plan it, but the holidays were exhausting as usual and we are still recovering. We truly enjoyed the Christmas festivities, though.


Our tree and decorations are still up because they stay up until the Epiphany. It really helps with the post-Christmas depression because we’re pretty much tired of it by then. Anyway, I will restrict myself to our holiday highlights because I can feel your eyes glazing over already. Off we go! read more

Rhea: 7 months young

I’m trying to slide a 7 month update in here before the Christmas craziness really begins, so this will probably be mostly pictures. You guys probably didn’t want to read a post droning on and on about how wonderful my child is anyway. (But she is pretty wonderful, though.)


Milestones: She is eating solids with some regularity, but she doesn’t like it for the most part. She seems to be humoring us. She is army crawling a little bit if there is a toy in front of her that she really wants. She rolls around front to back and back to front, and sits very steadily. She has started babbling “mamamamamama.” She stopped sleeping through the night during a horrible chest cold that everyone contracted and although she has recovered from the cold, she is still waking up to nurse a good bit all night. No teeth yet (all of mine are late teethers), but lots of drool and gnawing on things. Her naps are finally stretching out to an hour or so. (Which is a relief because they used to be no longer than 20 minutes.) read more

Quick Update on Wren’s Heart

Some background on Wren’s heart situation Here, in case you missed it.

The pediatric cardiologist recommended that we take Wren in for EKGs and echocardiograms every six months due to the severity of her heart defect that was discovered at her birth, but not properly diagnosed until she was about six months old. So we have been dutifully taking her every six months and holding our breath as to how the stenosis (narrowing) of her pulmonary artery is faring as she grows.


Clutching my old doll I had growing up whose eyes would appear open or closed if you put warm or cold water on them. Anyone else had one of these growing up?  read more

In which I make the case that old Christmas movies are way better

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You know what drives me crazy? Well, a lot of things, but during the Holiday Season, about 99% of the Christmas movies bother the heck out of me. All of the plots seem to involve an obstacle impeding Santa Claus from delivering presents, and if Santa doesn’t give all of the greedy children the goods, then Christmas will be ruined!!! Always with the “there will be no Christmas” without kids getting toys. This plot is as ludicrous as it is ubiquitous. I know I shouldn’t need to point this out, but Christmas is not about children getting stuff. It is about humankind receiving the best gift of all: our salvation. We are celebrating the Nativity of our Lord. But Christmas has turned into some sort of orgy of materialism, especially with respect to children. It is a travesty of Christmas. We lavish our children with numerous and expensive gifts, stress out about buying something for everyone on our list, obsess over hosting and attending holiday parties, and let it distract from the true reason for the season. I am guilty of this too. read more