Tag Archives: 11 months

I Might Have a Bonnet Problem

You already knew this, I’m sure.

Rhea is 11 months old! Cue the obligatory wailing and gnashing of teeth. She has almost completely weaned herself, which is leading to actual wailing and gnashing of teeth. On my part. I had this beautiful vision in my head of breastfeeding a plump toddler, Cassatt painting-style, and my hopes have been dashed. Well, you know what they say: we make plans and our toddlers laugh. Does anyone say that? I know I do.

Anyway, I’m going to do something different for her 11 month post. Instead of telling you all of her milestones (for example, she is pulling up to stand, and can say “ball” and shake her head for “no” and nod her head for “yes”, yada yada yada), I’m going to spare you all of those boring details and launch into a boring post of all of the bonnets she has worn throughout her 11 short months outside the womb. My darling friend Sarah suggested it. She lives in Australia, has seven gorgeous blonde children, and definitely needs a blog. I need another way to stalk her. Bring on the bonnets! read more