Tag Archives: social media

Stop humiliating your kids on the internet

As with any of my advice posts, I write this because I am as guilty of this as anyone, specifically, over-share about my kids on a public forum. The thing we forget, especially if our kids are little, is that someday they will be old enough to read and see all that stuff that we posted about them. So if you take that into consideration and come to the conclusion that your child will be really embarrassed about it, you probably shouldn’t share it.

In a similar vein, don’t complain about your children over social media if it isn’t something you would announce in person to her sixth grade class. That might be an excessively high standard, since sixth grade girls are embarrassed about EVERYTHING, but perhaps a good thing to at least strive for. Also, coming from the perspective of struggling with infertility, it really makes it sound like you are taking your children for granted, whether you mean it that way or not. A good private vent to your mom friends can help air out that frustration to someone who has been there, and your kids will never know. (Not that I have ever done that, kids. You were always perfect angels). read more

Why we should experience the moment instead of capturing it

I am writing this post more for myself than anyone else. I struggle with this daily. In the age of camera phones and social media, we have become obsessed with trying to document our lives and forget that sometimes we need to just put the phone down and experience the moment.

I am guilty of this with my children. As anyone who follows me on Instagram can attest, I take a ridiculous amount of photos of my children. If Wren starts calling my camera phone, “Mama,” I’ll know that I’ve gone too far. I know I’ll never regret documenting their childhood, but sometimes the camera can become too much of a distraction for me. I’m so focused on trying to capture that perfect photo that will be Pinterest worthy and get a million likes and comments on Instagram (still haven’t caught that white whale), that I neglect to just put the phone down and enjoy these moments with my children and take delight in every stage of their lives. read more