Tag Archives: birthday

Happy Birthday to Rue!

Dear Ruthie-

This day three years ago, your father and I were nervously driving at the crack of dawn to the hospital. We couldn’t believe it was time to meet you already. You had been stubbornly breech for most of my pregnancy, and with my low amniotic fluid and my tiny first time belly, it was going to be much safer for you to enter the world via a scheduled C section. I remember your large head was wedged up in my lungs and your little feet were up by your head poking me under my rib cage. read more

Happy 30th, Daddy!

I am in the midst of a pre-party FREAK OUT because Ruthie’s birthday party is on Saturday and my house looks like, you know, two toddlers and an infant live in it. Not to mention Scott’s twin (yes, my husband is a twin!) and his family are staying with us this weekend, so the guest bedrooms and bathroom must be prepared as well. The girls always have a blast with their little cousins, though, and Scott and I enjoy having some adult friends to hang out with too! I am so excited about both the party and the twin-laws coming to stay, but there is just so much that needs to be done! read more